These cumbersome experiences are things of the past with cash advance and payday loans . These are short term, small and unsecured loans. You can apply for loans ranging between $ 100 – 1500 through the internet without living the comfort of your own home. This process even has the advantage of being anonymous.
Unlike the usual loan processing of banks, payday loans do not require a credit check. They have marketing sites that will cater aptly to your individual needs as if they were customized especially for you. The loan approval criteria is quite simple and easy to meet:
- employment status;
- minimum income; and
- an active checking or savings account
Payment of the loans is also very convenient as these will be designed to coincide with the applicants pay day. In most instances, the applicant may also choose to “roll over” the loan – extending the loan until the next payday and would only need to double the subsequent fees.
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